44th Annual Summer Exhibition 2024
Our 44th Annual Summer Exhibition and Sale of Artworks opened on Thursday 27th June and ran until Sunday 7th July at the Scout Hall, Broughty Ferry,
The exhibition was a huge success and Broughty Ferry Art Society would like to thank everyone who supported the event.
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Winter Exhibition 2023
This year we were invited to exhibit alongside Dundee Art Society members at Roseangle Gallery, Dundee.
The exhibition is now closed but you can view the artworks online here.
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Online Gallery - Now Closed
Our online gallery ran from Friday 17th February until Sunday 30th April.
Thank you for viewing.
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Winter Exhibition 2021
Our winter exhibition was held at the Braw Berry at Kingennie from Sunday 21st November
until Sunday 5th December.
Thank you for your support.
41st Summer Exhibition
Our 41st Annual Summer Exhibition was held in the Scout Hall on Thursday 29th July until Sunday 8th August.
You can see more information here.
We are delighted to report that the exhibition was a success and are looking forward to exhibiting in the Scout Hall again next year. We will post more information here on the website or you can receive updates by subscribing to our