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Another Successful Exhibition

Writer's picture: websitebfaswebsitebfas

Our 43rd Annual Summer Exhibition ended on Sunday 9th July and we are delighted to report that it was an overall success!

Bill Barr opened the exhibition alongside President, Dorothy Walker on Wednesday 28th June with Dorothy giving thanks to all those involved in organising the exhibition, the committee for their continued efforts throughout the year, everyone who attended the opening night and to the BFAS members for supporting the exhibition. She also thanked the local primary schools, Eastern, Forthill and Barnill, and Grove Academy for taking part in this year's habitat project and competition.

Bill Barr awarded prizes for the following.

Barnhill Highly Commended

Max Wood

Coira Docherty

Connor Crow

Additional commendation for poetic response

Jessica Donald

Eastern Highly commended

Katie young

Forthill Highly commended

Caoimhe Browne

Grace Mutch

Analise Brownlee

Kayla Gall winner for Forthill and runner up.

Overall winner of the BFAS 2023 Habitat prize

Aimee McGregor

Secondary Presentation for Grove Academy BFAS Senior prize for Creativity in Expressive Fine Art

Sophie Howieson

Apolline McEleavy

BFAS Prizes

The John Bar Prize for the most improved class student was awarded to

Sheila Henderson

The Bill Isbister prize selected by Bill Barr for his choice for the best in the BFAS 2023 Exhibition was awarded to Bill Angus for his painting 'Batten Down the Hatches'.

On Sunday 2nd July the Broughty Ferry Gala Week opened at Castle Green and we held a stall to let people know about all of the wonderful opportunities Broughty Ferry Art Society has to offer our members. We met lots of enthusiastic young artists and a few mums and dads who were keen to get involved! We look forward to meeting our new members in September when our monthly demonstrations resume.

The exhibition ran for 11 days with lots of help from members who were busy invigilating, taking sales and recruiting new members! We sold 42 artworks in total, so lots of happy customers and some rather delighted members! Throughout the course of the exhibition we gave visitors a chance to vote for their favourite artwork with the most voted for piece being 'Batten Down the Hatches' by Bill Angus. We also held a raffle to win a beautiful drawing of Claypotts Castle by Agnieszka Drewniak and congratulations go to Isabella Migas who won.

So much work goes into organising this annual event but it couldn't happen without those who support it in so many different ways. A big thank you goes out to everyone who gave up their time, got involved and made it happen. A huge thanks to everyone who attended the exhibition, brought along their family and friends and bought catalogues, raffle tickets and some outstanding artwork. Well done to the artists for producing a very exciting exhibition, to W.D Reid whose artwork was selected to be on this year's poster and promotional material and a massive congratulations to all of the well deserved winners!

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